Kong Academy | Empowering Kids Through Play

Successful Summer Routine: Align Summer Expectations with Your Kids

Summer is just around the corner! 🌞

And with this exciting transition, it’s important to address the potential misalignment of expectations between you and your kids. We all have our own ideas of what summer should look like and often we don’t communicate that with our family. It should be obvious, shouldn’t it …?

However, that can be the cause of disappointments, power struggles and feelings of not being appreciated. Have you ever been there?

Finding common ground and communicating expectations clearly, will make all the difference in having a smooth and enjoyable season. And isn’t that what we all want?

🤔 Picture this: your kids have their own expectations of endless video games, hanging out with friends, and going on adventures. While you may have a different vision that includes more structure and a balance between free-time and responsibilities. To avoid arguments and frustrations, NOW (like, now!) is the perfect time to reset those expectations and create a new routine together (emphasis here being on: together).

🎯 So here’s your summer mission: Take a moment to reflect on your own vision for the summer. What do you want to do? What are your priorities and non-negotiables? Then, have a conversation with your kids about their hopes and dreams for the summer break. Find out what activities and adventures they’d be excited about.

By merging your ideas and theirs, you can craft a summer routine that encompasses both fun and responsibilities. This collaborative approach sets the stage for a much more harmonious summer experience. Remember, it’s all about aligning expectations and finding common ground. 😉

No more relying on hope! Instead, let’s proactively create a summer that satisfies everyone’s desires, hopes, and dreams. This way, you’ll minimize arguments and maximize the joy of the sunny season.

Wishing you and your family a fantastic summer ahead! Share your thoughts in the comments below. Until then, take care and enjoy the preparations for the sunny days ahead! ✨

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